Compare Declarative Frameworks

Choose up-to 3 frameworks and learn how they compare to each other.
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Creating a new Component
Components are the reusable building blocks of your application. They are the most basic UI elements and can be used to build more complex components.
Jetpack Compose
fun MyComponent(
    displayString: String
) {
Conditional Rendering
Conditional rendering is a technique used to display different UI components or content based on certain conditions, such as the value of a variable or the outcome of a boolean expression.
Jetpack Compose
fun ConditionalComponent(condition: Boolean) {
    if (condition) {
        Text("Condition is true")
    } else {
        Text("Condition is false")

// Usage
ConditionalComponent(condition = true)
Prop/Parameter Drilling
Prop/Parameter drilling is a technique where data is passed through multiple layers of components in the component hierarchy, often from a parent component to a deeply nested child component, via props or parameters.
Jetpack Compose
fun Parent(data: String) {
    IntermediateComponent(data = data)

fun IntermediateComponent(data: String) {
    ChildComponent(data = data)

fun ChildComponent(data: String) {
    Text("Received data: $data")

// Usage
Parent(data = "Some data")
Responding to events
Responding to events involves handling user interactions, such as button clicks or text input changes, and updating the component's state or triggering side effects accordingly.
Jetpack Compose
fun ClickableComponent() {
    var clicked by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }

    Button(onClick = { clicked = true }) {
        Text(if (clicked) "Button clicked" else "Click me")
Handing user input
Handling user input involves capturing and processing user interactions with input fields, such as text fields, sliders, or checkboxes, and updating the component's state or triggering side effects based on the input.
Jetpack Compose
fun TextInputComponent() {
    var text by remember { mutableStateOf("") }

        value = text,
        onValueChange = { newText -> text = newText },
        label = { Text("Enter text") }
Previewing a Component
Creating a preview of a component involves displaying a visual representation of the component in the development environment to help with the design and layout process.
Jetpack Compose
fun ExampleComponent() {
    Text("Hello, World!")

@Preview(showBackground = true)
fun ExampleComponentPreview() {

Additionally, you can also use Showkase, an open source library by Airbnb that allows you to view themes preview functions in an auto-generated component browser that can be viewed on an Android device.

Lists & Looping
Lists and looping involve rendering a dynamic number of components based on the length of a list or array, iterating over the list, and generating a UI component for each item.
Jetpack Compose
fun ListComponent(items: List<String>) {
    LazyColumn {
        items(items) { item ->

// Usage
val items = listOf("Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3")
ListComponent(items = items)
List item keys
List Item Keys are unique identifiers assigned to each list item in declarative UI frameworks to help manage and update list elements efficiently. Using List Item Keys enables the framework to optimize the rendering process, minimizing unnecessary updates and improving overall performance.
Jetpack Compose
data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int, val id: String)

fun ItemKeysExample(items: List<Person>) {
    LazyColumn {
        items(items, key = { person -> }) { person ->
            Text("Name: ${}, Age: ${person.age}")
Slot APIs
Slot APIs refer to a technique where components have customizable parts or 'slots' that can be filled with content when the component is being used. This allows for greater reusability and flexibility in composing user interfaces. The content that fills these slots can be other components or simple UI elements like text or images.
Jetpack Compose
fun Parent(
    header: @Composable () -> Unit,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
    Column {

// Usage
    header = { Text("Header") },
    content = { Child() }

fun Child() {
    Text("Child Content")
Modifiers are used to adjust or configure the UI elements' appearance or behavior in a declarative UI framework.
Jetpack Compose
fun ModifiersExample() {
        "Hello, World!",
        modifier = Modifier
State management refers to the process of handling and updating the internal state of components, often in response to user interactions or other events.
Jetpack Compose
fun Counter() {
    var count by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }

    Button(onClick = { count = count + 1 }) {
        Text("Count: $count")
Scoped Data Propagation
Scoped Data Propagation is a technique that involves passing data across multiple levels of a component subtree without having to explicitly pass it through every intermediate component. It helps reduce the complexity of prop drilling and allows for a more efficient way of sharing data in a specific scope.
Jetpack Compose
val CustomLocal = compositionLocalOf<String> { "Default data" }

fun Parent(data: String) {
    CompositionLocalProvider(CustomLocal provides data) {

fun Intermediate() {

fun Child() {
    val data = CustomLocal.current
    Text("Received data: $data")

// Usage
Parent(data = "Some data")
Side Effects
A side effect involves executing code that can have external consequences or perform operations that are not directly related to rendering the UI, such as making network requests or updating external data sources.
Jetpack Compose
fun SideEffectOnLoadComponent() {
    LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
        // Perform side effect, e.g. fetch data, update external data source

    // Other UI components
    Text("Hello, World!")