Compose Quick Bites

Learn more about the core concepts of Jetpack Compose right from your Twitter feed!

Issue #1: What is declarative UI?

Vinay Gaba
Vinay Gaba
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1/n The first issue of #JetpackComposeQuickBites is here! We keep hearing how frameworks like #JetpackCompose, #React, #Flutter, etc are declarative UI frameworks. But what does being declarative even mean? ๐Ÿงต๐Ÿ‘‡
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Issue #2: What is this @Composable thing?

Vinay Gaba
Vinay Gaba
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1/n The 2nd issue of #JetpackComposeQuickBites is here! You've probably seen the @(Composable) annotation in every #JetpackCompose example. If you are someone who wondered what it's significance was then this thread is for you...
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Issue #3: Why should you care about recomposition?

Vinay Gaba
Vinay Gaba
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1/n The 3rd edition of #JetpackComposeQuickBites is here! In the previous edition, we spoke about how #JetpackCompose does smart optimizations to avoid redrawing of composables. What are these 'smart optimizations' that I was talking about? Read on to learn more ๐Ÿ‘‡
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